
Triumph Of The Will Формат: DVD (Keep case) Дистрибьютор: Synapse Films Региональный код: 0 (All) Субтитры: Английский Звуковые дорожки: Немецкий Dolby Digital 2 0 Mono Формат изображения: инфо 2900f.

От издателя Triumph of the Will is one of the most important films ever made Not because it documents evil more watchable examples are being made today And not as a historical example of blind propaganda thаэсхюose (much shorter) movies are merely laughable now No, Riefenstahl's masterpiece and it is a masterpiece, politics aside combines the strengths of documentary and propaganda into a single, overwhelmingly powerful visual force Riefenstahl was hired by the Reich to creблсяйate an eternal record of the 1934 rally at Nuremberg, and that's exactly what she does You might not become a Nazi after watching her film, but you will understand too clearly how Germany fell under Hitler's spell The early crowd scenes remind one of nothing so much as Beatles concert footage (if only their fans were so well behaved!) Like the fascists it monumentalizes, Triumph of the Will overlooks its own weaknesses at nearly two hours, the speeches tend to drone on, and the repбсипхeated visual motifs are a little over-hypnotic, especially for modern viewers But the occasional iconic vista (banners lining the streets of Nuremberg, Hitler parting a sea of 200,000 party members standing at attention) will electrify anyone into wakefulness Дополнительные материалы Audio Commentary By Historian Dr Anthony R Santoro Leni Riefenstahl Short Film, "Day of Freedom" (1935, 17 min, German title: "Tag der Freiheit") Режиссер Лени Рифеншталь Leni Riefenstahl Лени (Берта Хелен Амали) Рифеншталь родилась 22 августа 1902 года в Берлине, в семье преуспевающего торговца сантехникой Решив стать танцовщицей, она в тайне от отца стала брать уроки танцев, затем училась балету в Берлинской школе искусств, упорно .